
Difference between vb.net and c#

There are so many differences between vb.net and c# which are given below-Here I mentioned the some important differences between vb.net and c#.

1. C# provides operator overloading and vb.net does not provide it.
2. C# supports unsigned integer and vb.net does not.
3. C# does not support optional argument and vb.net supports it.
4. C# runs slightly faster than vb.net.
5. C# inforces strict type casting and vb.net does not enforce it.
6. Event declaration is easier in vb.net than c#.
7. vb.net is flexible of working with arrays which can be resized using Redim statement and c# does not support Redim statement.
8. vb.net is not case sensitive and c# is case sensitive.

The best sites to know the difference between vb.net and c#.net are

1) http://www.harding.edu/USER/fmccown/WWW/vbnet_csharp_comparison.html

2) http://www.codeproject.com/dotnet/vbnet_c__difference.asp

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